Keyboard shortcuts are used to do functions of application from the keyboard. This can save time, particularly once one becomes familiar with the shortcuts. There are keyboard shortcuts in the menus, as well as keyboard shortcuts that are only on the keyboard, such as the arrow key functions. See Menus ---------------.
In any calendar window, the arrow keys on the keyboard may be used to move to the next unit of time. For instance, in the Week window, the left arrow key moves to the previous week, and the right arrow key moves to the next week. In the Day window, the up and down arrow keys move to the previous and next weeks, and the left and right arrow keys move to the previous and next days.
‚åòN - New
‚åòO - Open
‚åòW - Close
‚åòS - Save
‚åòP - Print
‚åòZ - Undo
‚åòX - Cut
‚åòC - Copy
‚åòV - Paste
‚åòA - Select All
‚åòY - Year
‚åòM - Month
‚åòD - Day
‚åòH - Hourly
‚åòE - Event
‚åò1 - Overdue
‚åòL - To-Do List
‚åò9 - Directory
‚åò- - Clean Up Horizontal
‚åò+ - Clean Up Vertical
‚åò` - Zoom Window
‚åòF - Find
‚åòG - Find Again
‚åòT - Go To Today
‚åòJ - Do Tomorrow
‚åòK - Speak Items
‚åòI - New Item
‚åòR - Record New Item
‚åòU - Font Setup
‚åò? - Help
This shows the functions as they are laid out on the keyboard.